This surplus item isn’t sealed but is in new condition, has been sitting in storage. 3M Medium Universal Second Skin is made of butyl rubber and is designed to cover the silicone 3M FR-M40-20 and FR-M40-30 facepieces. It helps to increase respirator life and decrease decontamination costs. The M-40 Full Facepiece has been used for years by U. Armed Forces all around the world. This facepiece has been NIOSH-approved with the 3M Cartridge FR-C2A1 or 3M Cartridge FR-64 for acid gases (including chlorine), CN, CS, and P100 particulate filter. The FR-C2A1 cartridge meets military specifications MIL-C-51560 and EA-C-1704. The FR-M40 full facepiece respirator has the capability to mount a single FR-C2A1 DIN threaded cartridge on either the right or left side. Comes with several unique design features suited for first responders. The silicone allows for excellent fit testing results and maximum comfort while the optional butyl rubber second skin protects the facepiece increasing respirator life and decreasing decontamination costs. A butyl coated nylon hood covers the head and neck and is easily donned to add additional protection against chemical agents and meets MIL-SPEC-C-51251. An integral drinking device permits the user to replenish fluids without having to remove the mask. A dual eyepiece format permits the respirator to easily interface with optics and to fold for storage. FR-M40 accessories include: clear and gray eyepiece outserts, spectacle kit, and buytl rubber Second Skin. The FR-M40 fits into a storage bag/carrying pouch with strap. Comes with a 3M Gas Mask Canister: Olive/Magenta Color, Threaded – Expired 11/2007 – These gas mask canisters are compatible with 3M FR-M40 series gas masks. Gas mask canisters filter airborne contaminants to protect workers when facing CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) hazards. Canisters are designed to protect against one or more specific hazards and are used with compatible headgear.