This is a complete Soviet Russian cold war uniform, the M73. Size on pants and tunic is 50-3, photos show the markings. Comes with a complete RPS rig including a Plash half tent. The canteen is a WW2 canteen, not cold war. Comes with a GP-5 gas mask and bag (civilian and military bag). Included is a mug as well. The veshmok (rucksack) is included as well. MPL-50 entrenchment shovel is with the lot. Everything is included except for the mannequin heads. List of what all is in the lot entitles. X1 plash half tent/rain cape. X1 AKM 3 cell pouch. X1 RGD 2 cell pouch. X1 GP-5 Gas Mask. X1 civilian gas mask bag. X1 military gas mask bag. X1 Afghanka hat (marked 55, fits like a 59). X1 pilotka (marked size 57). X1 pilotka (marked size 55). X1 gas mask filter DO NOT USE TO BREATH THROUGH, CONTAINS ASBESTOS. X1 M73 uniform set (marked size 50-3).